Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Something fishy

I was riding the subway the other day when I saw a poster that said "Don't treat Dolphins like Fish" to which my immediate thought was - why not?
There is, of course, a very legitimate reason not to treat dolphins like fish and that is because they aren't fish, they are mammals, but that clearly was not the message this advertisement was trying to put across.
The reason we should not treat dolphins like fish is because, apparently fish get treated pretty badly - look at the tins of tuna in your supermarket (caught on "dolphin friendly lines" I might add) and then multiply that by the number of grocery stores the world over and you see what I mean. So then the question is - why are dolphins deserving of better treatment? Just because they possess a reasonable intellect and can be trained to perform some tricks doesn't mean we should hold them in any higher esteem. Conversely, maybe we should think about treating fish a little bit better. Maybe, God forbid, we should think about protecting fish stocks for the next generation and generations after that because if we don't, I promise you this, Flipper isn't too far away from appearing on the menu.


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